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Women Arise!

In honor of Mother's Day, I'd like to share what the Lord has been speaking to me about recently. I believe it's time for the Deborah's, Esther's, Ruth's, and in my case, the Susanna's (one of the three female disciples: Luke 8:3), to rise up!

Now, I'm not a mother yet and sometimes that is difficult, especially working with kids all the time. I'm constantly caring for other people's children and that often makes me long for my own. Now, while I'd love to have all 12 children that the Lord has promised me, (or at least four), I'm doing my best to stay patient and trust Him, even in the middle of the delay.

Nevertheless, instead of focusing too much on what I don't yet have (motherhood), I'm willing to ask the Lord for His help in focusing on what I do have (passion and time). See, I desire to see women be strong, powerful, and beautiful, while remaining true to purity and grace.

So, whether or not you're a mother yet, I want to encourage you. As a woman, you ARE fearfully and wonderfully made. You are the light of the world, and you are the head and not the tail. You are fashioned for greatness and loved immensely by your Dad.

During this season of desiring to be married and have a family, I personally am choosing today, as painful as it can be, to continue to wait on the Lord and not just that, but to continue to walk in obedience and faith. While I have this "free time," I am calling on women everywhere to find your God-given voice, to know that women are needed and important.

Without women, there would be no men. Man needed a helper too, and so God made Eve :) He who finds a wife finds a good thing right? Women are awesome, and not to be ignored or seen as less, just because of their gender. Women bring things, great things, to the table too!

I won't get into this much right now but Jesus was actually the first "Women's Rights," activist you could say. The first Evangelist was the woman at the well and the first to find that Jesus had been resurrected was Mary. Jesus didn't exclude women when He taught, and as mentioned up above, three female Christ followers even went and traveled with Him!

Jesus loved women no less than He did men. He healed many women and God chose many powerful women, like Deborah and Esther, to change the world. I believe our world's starving for identity, in validating the worth of women, and that's why we're seeing so much confusion.

People don't believe in basic science anymore, even though they promote it. They think that you can be whatever sex you want to be, even though believing the sky is green doesn't make it any more true. A fact is a fact, and it's so sad to me to see women being told to change so that they can be "accepted." A women needs to be loved, just as she is.

Women should be allowed to be strong and powerful. Women shouldn't be shut up and told to remain invisible. Women shouldn't be discriminated against, simply because of their gender. And they certainly shouldn't have to feel pressured to try and change their gender, or romantic preference, simply because we live in a narrow-minded society.

It's as if our world tells us subconsciously that women have to be a certain way. You have to dress a certain way, or act a certain way, and live a certain way to be a "real" woman. But that's ridiculous. People are so different; we have different gifts, dreams, and callings.

As such, a woman is going to be different from the next woman. Not every woman is going to want to play dress up and do their makeup everyday. Not every woman is going to want to play sports. Not every woman is going to be a natural cook, or even the most nurturing.

Some women want lots of kids. Some women wear lots of jewelry. Some women are on the front of the stage preaching to thousands. Others are behind the scenes changing diapers. Some women just want to be a great wife. Others just want to travel and make disciples.

Some women are outgoing and sociable. Other women prefer to stay at home with a good book. Some women hang out more with the boys. Other women are super girly and enjoy going shopping and getting their nails done. Some women are in rock bands. Some women skate. Some women paint. Some women are Life Coaches, and Real Estate Agents, and Teachers, and Pastors, and Gym Managers, and Nutritionists and Missionaries and Nurses.

The point is women are as diverse and different as men. Regardless of your gender, people aren't the same. We really are all given different spiritual gifts and mantles. We have different personalities and pasts. We have diverse likes and preferences. We are beautiful this way.

Wouldn't life be boring if we were all exactly the same? But we're not. As a woman, I am unashamed to be different than other women. Personally, I'm very passionate, zealous, creative, sensitive, laid-back, mellow, easy-going, motivated, artsy, educated, understanding, compassionate, caring, and friendly. Sometimes, I like to skateboard. Sometimes, I like to play guitar. Sometimes, I just want to travel the world, and other times I just want to be a wife.

Sometimes, I cry over silly things. Sometimes, I get overly excited and my childlike wonder and joy comes out. Sometimes, I get in front of people and preach. Sometimes, I write books and blogs. Sometimes, I make videos and sometimes, I write songs. The point is I am me and you are you. Don't try to be me; don't be jealous of me and don't envy me. But be you.

Woman of God, be fearfully and wonderfully YOU! Copycat's can't be theirselves, so don't do that. But don't hate me because I'm beautiful in God's eyes. Don't plot against me or try to change me because I'm not like you. Don't store up resentment towards me because I am brave enough to live by faith and take hold of God's promises for me. You can too, after all!

Now is NOT the hour for women to turn against each other and fight. I've dealt with one too many "Jezebel" Spirits (controlling, manipulative, seductive, and jealous) over the years. I've lived with these women, a few times, who have become jealous of me, because I trust God and He honors that in my life. They've tried to put out my light, stop me, and control me.

These are women that claim to be Christians too! All of them! I feel sorry for them and I forgive and pray for them. I know they are only jealous of me because I have what they want. They are scared that somehow me having favor with God is going to steal their opportunities to be touched and used by God too! This is just ridiculous. We all have purpose!

A true, mature disciple cheers on her fellow sister in Christ when she advances, not holds her back. A wise woman of God will encourage and believe in you, no matter what. She won't try and manipulate you to do what she wants because she's insecure and prideful. No, a real woman loves you and roots for you. She wants to see you be "successful" in the Kingdom.

Women, it's time we have each other's backs. I'll be the first to admit, if you think that I have done something wrong or I've caused any pain in your life, I am so so so sorry. I love people a whole lot and I hate hurting people. I am a lover and I often put other people before myself, sometimes getting me used and walked all over admittedly. Nevertheless, I can't help it.

I love like Jesus does because His love lives in my heart. l'll love you if you spit on me, mock me, run my name through mud, condemn me, curse me, lie about me, and accuse me. I will love you if you hate me, persecute me, judge me unfairly and misunderstand me. It might not be fun and I might not be your best friend afterwards, but I'll still want the best for you.

For, I'm not the same person I once was. I've been changed by God. The Holy Spirit pours out His perfect love in my heart enabling me to love even the most unloveable people, and believe me, I've encountered a few! Jezebel likes to introduce herself to me a lot, indeed.

Nevertheless, take it as a compliment. If you have an "Elijah" spirit in you (filled with boldness, faith, wisdom and intimacy with God) then Jezebel will probably chase after you. You might actually be doing something right. So, I try to see it this way. If Jezebel didn't hate me this much, I should be concerned. But female Elijahs and Davids are rising up now!

Prophetesses and Apostles are taking their place as royal women of God filled with courage, character, and compassion. We are unapologetic in our reckless faith and total abandon. We hunger for the things of God greater than we hunger for anything else. We seek first His Kingdom and are possessed by His Spirit. We have faith to move mountains and wisdom beyond our years. We are bold as lions and led by the Spirit of God. We are ready!

We are rising up! Women, we have been in the shadows for too long, always being content letting only the men be used by the Lord. But now is our time! The men still need our help and we love and appreciate them, enough to stand with them, brothers AND sisters in the Lord. We can't expect them to do everything when we ourselves have gifts and abilities.

They need us. I need you. Jesus needs you. That's why He made you. Because He wanted a family. He needed more than just Angels and Heavenly Creatures. He wanted kids, both sons AND daughters. So be a daughter of God, girl, and go change the world. Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid of the religious spirit that tries to suppress you. (I've dealt with a lot of those too). They're also afraid, but fear has to do with punishment, not love. Fear is of the devil and he wants to intimidate you so that you'll never be the incredible person you were made to be.

Don't listen. Pray for those souls but move on. Don't surround yourself with toxic people, unless you're ministering to them. I hope they get delivered and set free. Yes, pray for healing and salvation in their lives but let them be. Don't believe the lies that say that women are useless and should be hidden in a dark room, where no one knows you exists. So silly!

It's silly to believe that God made a mistake when He created BOTH male and female in His image. It's ridiculous to believe that when the Bible says that in Christ, there is no male and female but we're all one in Him (Galatians 3:28), that somehow Jesus is still discriminating against women. In the Lord, He doesn't see us as incompetent and inadequate. He sees women as one with Him and as such, equally able to advance His Kingdom on Earth.

God loves women! DID YOU GET IT YET? He loves you beautiful sister. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you too! You don't have to try and fit the mold of what society tells you a women should be, even "Christian Society." Be you. Don't feel like you have to modify your body or "like" other women to be your true self. Your true self doesn't need to be surgically modified or unnatural. God didn't mess up. He wanted you, yes you, in this world!

If you were meant to be a man, you'd be a man. But you're not! But you can still be as awesome as men. You can still be a leader and have say so. You can still be a boss and change the world. You can still be respected and appreciated. You can still be strong and influential. You can be everything the Lord created you to be. Don't worry. You got it!

So, rise up woman. Take your place, run your race, grab hold of your destiny. Spend time with the Holy Ghost and ask Him to show you who you are and be her. Be that girl. Don't be the next girl. Don't compare yourself too much. Don't tear your sister down to try to build yourself up. Just be yourself because that is enough. It's our time women. Find your calling, understand and get trained in your gifts, and get ready. Get ready because it's time for you.

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