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Our Story

Saving the World.

We believe in being the hands and feet of Christ in order to better love those all around us. We do the things Jesus did: heal the sick, cast demons out, raise the dead, and preach the good news. This is our call. This is our destiny. This is our purpose. We won't be still. We won't be silent. We are the church.


By Empowering People

Christian Events

Project Save the World focuses on organizing Christian gatherings for the community such as:

A. House Church

B. Worship Nights

C. Food and Fellowship

D. Outdoor Festivals

E. Marches

F. Concerts

Creative Arts

PSW also focuses on using Creative Mediums to especially reach the next generation like:

A. Video Production

B. Music

C. Podcasting

D. Blogging

E. Books

F. Prophetic Paintings

G. Drawings

Community Outreach

Finally, we focus on Evangelism and Missionary Work, both locally and nationwide, including:

A. Street Ministry

B. Homeless Outreach

C. Low-Income Neighborhood Outreach

D. Jail Ministry

E. Hospital/Nursing Home Ministry

F. Public Preaching

G. Mission Trips

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