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The Lukewarm Church

Today is a new day, but tomorrow is not here yet. Months and months ago, the Lord told me that America is the modern day church of Laodicea. As a whole, we are neither hot nor cold. We are comfortable and we are comfortable staying comfortable. The lullaby of Lucifer has lulled us to sleep and we are stuck in a trance. But before you think this is all "doom and gloom," I assure you it's not. But first, let's be honest. Take a moment to evaluate ourselves.

Let's look at the Scripture in Revelation 3:14-22 (ESV):

14 “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.

15 “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. 21 The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”

Just in case that didn't hit hard enough, let's read the NLT Translation of it too:

“Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation:

15 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.18 So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. 19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.

20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. 21 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.

22 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”

What can we learn from this? First, we see that the Lord rebukes those He loves, and sometimes, He does it to an entire body of people! He doesn't want us to be wishy-washy, one foot in, one foot out, kind of people. He wants us to commit to Him or stay away from Him! He doesn't like it when people misrepresent Him with their "Carnal Christianity," which is hardly Christianity at all. You can't love the things of this world, worship money, and stay indifferent AND pretend to be born again. If you really know God, you would be different.

But too many American "Christians," look like the world. We pursue selfish-ambitions and build our own Kingdoms in the name of Jesus. But it's a lie. Our pride and fear fuel us and they drive us to work out of our own strength, striving to get ahead, not led by His Spirit at all. We're not listening to the Holy Spirit and we're operating out of blind faith, not discerning of the times and seasons we are in. The Church is out of order and a mess. Let's be real now.

I say this in kind correction because I love the Church. I am giving my life to build His Body up. But it has to be done the right way. Too many of us are clinging on to idols and turning to things that we think we need in place of Him. You say you don't love money but you do. You make it your god when you give your job more time than you do God. You say you have to make money to survive. No, you need the Lord to live and thrive! Besides, why just survive?

Why cling to paper, as if it has the power to save your life? The Bible says that those that try to save their lives will lose them but those that are willing to lose them will be saved (Luke 17:33). Yet, in America, we see loads and loads of people in selfish, self-preservation, self-absorbed mode. They are only worried about saving their own skin and will blindly walk off a cliff if they are promised it's the right way to rescue themselves. What are we doing guys?!

Why are taking vaccines, and practicing half-hearted Christianity, while also reading tarot cards and pulling from other religions? Why are we thinking we have the ability to save ourselves? If we just pull away from people, try harder, work more, make more fake friendships, gain popularity, build up our business, work out more, then we'll be good right? Wrong. Jesus alone can save. But if He leads you to do something, by all means, do it.

We just don't have time anymore to do anything in vain. Read the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon was the richest and the wisest, yet he said it was all in vain. It was all meaningless without love. Take it from that guy. He knows. He was at the top and he was lonely. He went a little crazy in the end because he pursued wealth and prosperity at the expense of love.

Are we doing that too? Are we just trying to build bigger houses and get nicer toys? Are we just trying to grow our own blood-related families? Are we chasing careers and legacies, and fame and fortune, instead of the real, lasting thing? Do we only care about our own names and reputations? Come on America. Be honest. I will be. I'm not doing it perfectly either.

But I do understand. I understand we need to wake already. We've been sleeping in comfort for too long. Sell your stuff, pick up your cross and follow Him. Don't love your parents more than Him. Don't love your life more than Him. Share in each other's burdens. Think of others as more important than yourself. These are Bible verses!!! Are we really living them though?

Be honest. Are we living sold-out and surrendered, or complacent and comfortable? Are we hiding in the shadows of mediocrity and calling it being safe and being smart? Or are we being risk-takers, fueled by faith and the Spirit, and running wild the race set before us? Are we just sitting around in our nice houses, entertaining ourselves, waiting to die, or are we out there on a remarkable adventure, traveling around and advancing the Kingdom of God from glory to glory? What do you want? Do you want to waste your one chance at this life or do you want to take hold of greatness and change the world around you, in Jesus' name?

Be a disciple of Jesus, American Church. Find out why you're here and do it; be it. Be the person only you can be! No one else has your exact combination of gifts, calling and personality. There is only one of you. You're not here by accident! You are special. You have a purpose. You have a name and an identity. You are seen. You are meant to be a child of God!

So, shake off the chains that hinder you, throw off the weighty entanglements that hold you back from the life God has pre-destined for you. Stop doing meaningless stuff. Stop spending hours watching TV and on your phone. Get out of your house and go meet your neighbors. Go start a Church. Go preach the Gospel. Go be a missionary in Uganda. Just go.

Stop waiting to be perfect. Get the healing and freedom you need, pray, seek the Lord, and obey. When He tells you to move, move. When He tells you to go slow and rest, do that. But the main thing is to be led by Him. Not your imagination, not your emotions, not other people, not pressure, not fear, not temptation, not protocol, not Satan, not good ideas even, but HIM!

Follow Jesus, because He will lead you to everlasting life. He can be trusted and He actually wants good things for you. His burden is light and His yoke is easy. Everything else is a lie. Everything not of God is heavy and burdensome. If it's God, it's good. If it's the devil, it's alluring, but temporary, and it causes pain and problems in the long run. Do you see yet?

So, don't give in to fleeting pleasures and momentary passions, but play the long game. Be patient and wait when you got to. Worship Him in that place. Know He's working all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8). Knock on His door and expect Him to open. Talk to him and believe He'll actually answer.

America, I'm calling out to you. You are being too lazy and too indifferent. It's not okay. It never will be. I've watched you do this for way too long. It's time to seek His face. It's time to really get to know Him. Only when you hear His voice and know Him well, can you begin to find your way home. Get in the secret place, rest, cry out to Him, wait for Him to speak and pray, pray, pray. He'll answer you. He loves you and He wants to have a great relationship with you. He does, truly.

And ask Him what to do. Ask Him who He is and who you are. Ask Him to bring healing and freedom into your life, as well as family and friends. Then, respond when He asks you to do something. Don't be afraid. He is with you. He wants to baptize you in Fire, refine you with His purifying fire, and remove the things in your life that aren't bearing good fruit. Let Him.

Don't resist because He is a good, good Father. He's the best and He cares for you so, so much. He is so patient towards you and filled with grace, but don't take too long, because now is not the time for that. A war is coming and we have to be ready. There is a sense of urgency and it's time to prepare now. It's time to put on the Armor of God and get trained.

Revival will hit and shaking will happen. Be a part of it all, don't be a victim. Don't be a prisoner. Be victorious, as the Scripture above in Revelation says. I love you and I want to see you well. Church, I want to see you healthy. I want to see you filled and overflowing with His joy and His perfect peace. I want you to know His love, and love each other well.

This is all important. The end is coming. We need to live like it. No more playing it safe. No more hiding. No more running away. Focus, focus, focus. You're meant to be a blazing, unstoppable fire, not a passive, cup of drinking water. You're comfort of being lukewarm is going to be challenged soon. So choose the consuming fire of God. It is the right choice.

Be a burning one. Be a fireball who is zealous and passionate about the things of God! No more being quiet. No more being scared. You're His hands and feet guys! You're supposed to be powerful; you're born to be great! You are created to be the light of this world, a city on a hill! You are destined to dispel the darkness and destroy the works of the devil.

Your mission is to lead people to Jesus and help them grow in Him. Your calling is to bring His Kingdom. Your purpose is to illuminate the world with His perfect love that cancels fear. So mount up, pull out your sword of the Spirit, be strong and courageous, because the days are coming where we're gonna have to be, or be defeated. If you're a Christian, you're on the winning team; act like it. Walk with confidence, in humility, knowing who your Dad is!

I can only give so many more warnings before the next great wave of glory, both good and bad, hits. Corona was a wake-up call but don't think that was the end. More is coming and it's time for us to be who we need to be: world changers, in this hour. It's time for us to act like the Church, be brave and show the world we're His, by the love that we have for one another.

No more lukewarmness America. You don't wanna be spit out. Trust me on this. Burn bright.

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