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The Lonely Path

Everybody wants the glory. Come on, be honest. People don't look for meaninglessness, and anything short of purpose in this life. Despite what they tell you, people want you to know their name and acknowledge their existence. Nobody wants to feel forgotten or invisible.

Yet, sadly so many do. I can testify to that. See there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting people to let you know that you do in fact, exist. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have people close to you that you can be yourself around, your true self, and they love you anyway. It's nice to have close friends, that are like family, who support you, period.

Not to be depressing, but for people like me, pioneers, it's hard. It's hard to have people in your life that you can trust on a deeper level and just relax around. It's difficult to find folks that can see you and still be there. To whom much is given, much is required, after all.

Trust me. You might not want to be the person on that stage. You might not want to be the person who everyone knows their name but few really know them. You might not want the love of man, but the lack of love on a personal and intimate level. It's not easy that way.

It's not easy to be a trailblazer. It's not always easy to be a leader and a forerunner. Everyone thinks they want to be at the front and lead the pack but do you really? Don't you know it's the loneliest path? Because if you're up front leading, there is no one beside you.

Yes, Jesus is within, but even so leaders are often respected, honored, appreciated, and followed but far too often, they are still invisible and unknown. People fear them. They fear that this "leader," might see some secret struggle in their life and call them out. They fear rejection from their "heroes," and so they keep a distance.

Before you ask God for that platform, just know what it means. It means you might be lonely. It means you might be called out and set apart. It means that you might be asked to do more than others. It means that more WILL be required of you. You can't live a normal life.

If you want to be the next Billy Graham or Smith Wigglesworth or Charles Finney, the Lord will require much of you and you will be judged more strictly. Take it from someone who knows. This is not to scare you but to shine a light on something no one talks about.

No one tells you that leaders are some of the most lonely people on the planet. No one tells you that forerunners are forerunners because they went AHEAD of the crowd, often meaning, no one else went with them. I, for one, have traveled this country alone.

I have been to numerous cities and states, mostly by myself. It was fun, at first, because it was just me and Jesus, but God didn't create man to be alone. Two is better than one, the Bible says, and He sent them out to make disciples two by two. Yet, here I am.

If I'm being honest, I'm still looking for that one. I'm looking for my person to travel with me and live out the Great Commission, as well as planting Churches, and leading the next Great Awakening.

I want to do a lot because I'm called to do a lot but it's hard to do it alone. People will follow a leader, but unfortunately, too many don't want to go all the way. When too much is asked of them, like with Jesus, they will make up excuses and go back home, rather than change the world and live by faith.

I say all this not to discourage you. We need more trailblazers, but just know what that entitles. It means the Lord will require a lot of you, and yes it is worth it, but you will have to be brave. You'll have to sacrifice some things you don't need in your life. You will have to hold on, and you cannot afford to live by sight. He'll call you to do things that won't make sense.

He'll ask you to do things that seem a little foolish. He'll take you through all the seasons, and it might feel like you are going to break. He will prune you and He will mold you. He will shape you and redefine you. It doesn't always feel nice but it is necessary.

Satan will come and try to disrupt the process. Distractions will vie for your attention. Good things will not be "God things." Your family will persecute you and the devil will launch fiery darts at you. Demons will chase after you and your friends will try to discourage you.

People you thought you could trust will abandon you and lies will be spread about you. The accuser will condemn you and God will send down His refining fire. You may get a thorn in your side and you may be shipwrecked. You may be hungry and you may be tired.

The so-called "Church," will disappoint you greatly and fail you. People will tell you crazy things in the name of "wisdom," opposite of what God is saying, and expect you to obey them. Religious people will judge you unfairly and the world will tempt you to sin.

Church people won't understand you and will try to change you. People you respect will even give you ungodly advice. Chaos and war may break out and you may lose sleep. You might find yourself in the Valley of the Shadow of Death and darkness might taunt you.

I say all these things because I've experienced all these things. Sickness, as well, and thinking I was going to die. It's not an easy call to be a leader in the Body of Christ. It's not a walk on Cloud 9 to attain the promises God has given His Generals. It will be painful and it will be uncomfortable but on the other side of it all, it will be worth every struggle.

It will be worth every pitfall, every prison sentence, every hate-spewed comment, and every lie that has been attached to your name. No, it doesn't always have to be this hard but it often is. It often is uncomfortable to get pruned and refined. But when you are fully refined, you come out as gold. When you are pruned, it is so you can bear good fruit again!

The process might be unbearable at times, at least it feels that way, but what it will produce will far outweigh the struggles and sleepless nights. The Lord's burden is light and His yoke is easy but remember, to whom much is given, much is required.

If you want to lead the pack, you must be willing to have their back, even if they don't have yours. A true leader doesn't run ahead of everybody and leave them all behind selfishly. No, a true leader, walks patiently behind them, as they move forward sometimes kicking and screaming. A real forerunner encourages them in their complaining, and whispers affirmation from behind. It's not about getting ahead through selfish ambition.

It's not about trying to be first, because the first will be last and the last will be first. It's about humbling yourself to give people a little push in the right direction from behind. It's about quietly telling them which way to walk in, with that still small voice that the Lord speaks to you in. It's about praying for them and never having to tell them.

It's about blessing them and loving them even, when they don't deserve it. You want to be a forerunner, a pioneer, an Apostle? Lead with love, and love is patient and kind and forgiving and unfailing. Love never gives up. Love is often asked to love "hard to love" people but we must love. If you want to lead, you must learn how to love. If you want to be Christlike, you must love.

Yes, being a leader and a trailblazer means sacrifice and it means patient endurance. Yes, you need to be internally strong and unwavering. Yes, you are given grace to make mistakes and to mess up as you grow, but much is expected of you. You are held to a higher standard and you must keep your heart pure and your hands clean.

You can stumble but attain the perfection that is possible in Christ. Shoot for being better, being more compassionate, more merciful, more gentle. Don't lose hope if I'm talking to you. If you're reading this and the Lord has called you to be a General in His army, don't be afraid.

Don't be scared of all the traps laid out before you. Learn how to hear His voice so you know how to navigate around them. Seek His face in the secret place, humble yourself in His presence and fast and pray. Do what the Bible says to do. Love people and love them well.

It's going to be okay. I'm talking to myself here. Yeah, it's lonely at times, terribly so. It's hard to not be able to relate to most folks, because most people aren't called to be forerunners. It's easier for them. They don't have so much asked of them. But I have said yes to the call of God. I said, "Here, I am Lord, send me." But be careful what you ask for. He will do it.

He is looking for willing vessels and it is the greatest honor to be chosen to be one. Just know now what it may look like. I'm not saying don't ask God to make you a world changer, just know it comes with it's fair share of responsibilities and missions. It's fun.

Hear me, it's fun and exciting to be who I am. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Not for a second. But as someone who has lived a "different" way for the last 7 years or so, just take it from me. This is what it looks like and what the Lord may require of you.

He loves you so much and He desires to use you but He needs you ready. He needs you equipped and strong enough. You can't be marching around a wounded warrior hoping to advance His Kingdom well. So get ready Saint, if I'm talking to you.

And if you're called to be just a soldier in His army, and not the General, don't worry, you're just as necessary and crucial. He's called more to be warriors and not in charge. It won't be as demanding for you, but you still will need humility, patience, faith, and all of Him.

So ya'll pray for me. Pray for your leaders, as the Bible commands. Pray for those He's chosen to be the faces of HIS movement. It's not easy for us. We are humans too. We have needs and struggles too. We get lonely. We get sad. We get discouraged. We can stumble and we can even fall, but we're still people and we're still loved by God.

But we need your prayers. We need your covering. We need your help. Welcome us to be part of your family. Don't think we have it all together and want to be alone all the time, just because we're in charge. We need family just as much as you do. We need to belong, just as much as you do. We need to be trusted, respected, and honored yes, because the Lord is using us to help you, but even more, we need to be loved, cherished, and valued.

See us, because we see you and we pray for you. We just may never tell you. Pray for the forerunners. They need your prayers now more than ever. I know I do. We're in it together.

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