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Blog: Blog2

The Bride

We’re on the edge of something beautiful.

But first.

He has shown us what the world looks like without Him, and without His Saints.

It’s pretty bad. Did you watch the news last year? Have you been on social media? No, this is not a political problem either. I’m not even talking about social justice here. I'm not saying to forget about those things, but where is our focus right now? Where are our eyes fixed? Are they on Jesus? Are they? Are they really though?

I don’t think so. See, I’ve watched you church, silently and quietly for the last 6 years. You aren’t doing so well. I love you enough to tell you the truth. You have my heart; you have my affection and I believe in you, but do you? Do you believe?

I have been to your buildings. I have walked in your “sanctuaries.” I have mingled at your small groups, kicked back in your coffee- “lounge” areas, and gotten prayer from your members. I’ve been to your conferences, met your “Pastors,” and attended your classes. You’ve held events, trainings and meetings. You’ve entertained and put to sleep. You’ve unfairly condemned and you’ve unjustly permitted everything. You are confused and you are corrupted.

Yet, you are still beautiful. You are still worth Jesus Christ dying for. You are still His bride. You are still His body and you are still His redemptive plan. You are my brothers and my sisters and I weep tears over you. See, you have grieved the Holy Spirit, you have broken His heart, and you’ve quenched His Spirit because you got too uncomfortable. It is painful to watch. It hurts me deeply.

But I still love you. I’m praying for you, and I believe in you, even when it’s hard to see. Good thing we don’t walk by sight, but by faith right? But I love you with all my heart (as I should) and that’s why I’m writing you. I want to help restore you. I want to revive you.

In 2015, I had the privilege of traveling the nation and visiting different churches. There were a handful that I felt His presence in. The other ones were just like glorified social clubs, among other things. I met some amazing people and formed some beautiful relationships but it was the church operation as a whole that shook me.

Something was missing. Something was off. Something was wrong. Time and time again I sensed it. Sometimes, I felt so angry, without fully knowing why, and just wanted to run on stage and preach what the Spirit was showing me. I could feel what He felt, hear what He said, and He wasn’t very happy.

We fill our seats with religious people who come to church out of duty, rather than love. We welcome people in with our "crusade-evangelist style" preaching but fail to disciple them into a mature, sinless life. We hire preachers who claim to be pastors but really are evangelists and teachers. We leave the flock powerless without a Godly, Spirit-Filled Pastor to personally know and talk to. We teach basic principles and motivational messages but we forget to welcome the Holy Spirit in our midst and if He comes, we try to stop Him, out of fear. We are afraid of Him, just like the Israelites who could’ve had a relationship with Him, but Moses was the only one brave and wise enough to.

Don’t you know cowards will not inherit the Kingdom of God? O' ye of little faith, why do you care so much what others think? Why do you need their approval so much?

Is it because you’ve been rejected? Tell me, who hurt you? Was it your mom or your dad? Maybe it was an older sibling who got all the glory growing up? Did your family tell you that you’d never amount to anything? Do your friends’ opinion of you really matter that much? Is it that important to you to be cool and fit in? But why? Why fit in when you were born to stand out? You are meant to be the light of the world.

And if someone hurt you, that teacher, that parent, that boyfriend or girlfriend, or spouse, or grandparent, or aunt or uncle, or bully, or even “Pastor,” I’m here to personally, first and foremost, tell you that I am so so sorry. I sincerely mean that. I would wrap my arms around you and hold you for a while if I could. I do cry with you. I mourn with you. My heart hurts for you friend.

But! Joy comes in the morning. His mercies are made new every morning and we must forgive. You first must admit that you’ve been hurt and then forgive that person(s). Please stop living in the past and in un-forgiveness. There is healing and there is freedom available. And I want that for you! It’s time to let go of the pain and of the fear. It’s time to be free. It’s time to know who you are! But before we get to that..

Let’s talk about where we’re at. Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment so we can move forward.

Church of America, yes, you already do some things pretty well. I commend you for these things.

For you feed the homeless, you meet weekly (at least you did), you pray with one another, you don’t leave out worship, you expand to every corner (in the south at least) and you have good manners. You respect the elderly and you take mission trips. You give financially to the house of God and some of you even form youth groups. You have organized evangelistic crusades and organizations and you bring your children with you Sunday morning. You own a Bible and listen to and read “Christian” content. You meet for Bible study Wednesday night and some of you even do street ministry. You abstain from immortality mostly and don’t intentionally practice witchcraft or paganism. You are pretty friendly and you don’t usually turn away people from coming in the building. Good job Church. You’ve done a lot but I promise you there is so much more. Now, please hear me for a moment.

What are you really doing? Why are you so okay with being mostly in a state of obese slumber? Your idols and distractions are food, games, relationships, toys, work, and fame. Check yourself. It’s not okay. You look like the world.

No, we’re not really okay. If you think revival is for the world, think again. It’s for you. You once were alive but now you are like dead. You have fallen asleep but you can wake again. You can be revived. You can be who you are destined to be.

The devil has lulled you asleep and killed your faith slowly. You once burned so passionately with the fire of God but now you barely flicker. Return to your first love and wake. Arise. Let your light shine again.

Don’t be defeated by the cares of this world. Don’t be a slave to hidden sin any longer. Be free from lust, idolatry, pride, apathy, and bitterness in Jesus’ name! Lay down worry at His feet. Cast your anxiety on Him, for He cares about you, like a lot.

And if you’re feeling depressed, I’ll tell you why! This world was never meant to satisfy you. It can’t fulfill you. It leaves you empty, discouraged, and looking for a way out. But God...

His Kingdom brings joy, peace, and it brings life. Don’t you know this by now? Perhaps, I’m here to remind you. God is for you, not against you. He loves you. Period. No matter how far you’ve drifted. It’s not too late.

Come home prodigal church. Read the book of Acts and do what they did. More on this later.

But who will it be? Who will rise out of the ashes and cry, “Lord, make these bones live again. Wake me from my sleep.”

You’re too comfortable church but He’s the Comforter. You’re too lazy church. You can’t inherit anything that way. But He can give you purpose and show you who you are. You’re too judgmental church; don’t you know the Bible says not to judge unbelievers? Love your neighbor. I know you can.

But have you no faith? Have you no hope? Have you no love?

Surrender to Him.

Are we actually walking in obedience? Or are we just complacent, insecure, angry, and scared? Do you still not know who you are? You say you know who He is but do you? Do you really? It’s time to wake up. And you do that by resting, ironically enough, by resting in Him. For so few actually see, yet they think they do. And I’m not talking about conspiracy theories here that may or may not be true. Open the eyes of your heart by submitting yourself again to the Father. Let the Holy Ghost come and show you His ways.

For the question is- do you want to see more of what Satan wants to do on earth or do you want to see revival? Because we are on the outside of a revival and it’s right around the corner, IF we’ll be humble enough to receive it church.

Turn back to God, pray in secret, and you might just witness a move of God break out across the earth.

Revival is knocking.

Answer the door.

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