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Shake the Mountain

As I sit here in Washington, D.C., the nation's Capital, on the very first day of 2021, I feel the Lord compel me to write. There's a lot He wants to say, and He's looking for people to partner with to speak His words here on Earth. I believe He longs to be heard through His people because He desires to be involved heavily in our lives. I was praying and asking Him about what the title of this entry should be and the first thing I heard was: "Shake the Mountain."

The song playing is not coincidentally singing: "When you speak, mountains move, and there will be breakthrough." I saw someone earlier with a blue hoodie on (blue stands for prophecy) and his sweatshirt said "breakthrough." God told me earlier this year that "Breakthrough" would be a word for me in 2020 and then also, in 2021. I am not the only person who has heard this word either. I personally believe it's a word for the Church.

I hear the Lord saying over and over, "There will be victory." "There will be victory in America." A war is coming but the battle belongs to the Lord. Unrest has shaken our nation, and our world but it is necessary. Only the Kingdom of God can never be shaken. Every other false God and false idol people worship will be brought low. The Lord is saying climb up the mountain of God and see things from His perspective. His view looks a lot different than ours.

He sees what we cannot and knows things we do not. His point of view is literally higher and therefore, greater. If we, as a Christian nation, could humble ourselves, truly humble ourselves, admit that we've fallen short and seek His face, things would change. But idols must fall. Demons must be slain. Darkness must be defeated. Strongholds must be overcome. The only way this works is with Jesus. We must turn from our selfish, comfortable, complacent, fearful, paranoid, lukewarm, bitter, lifestyles and turn to the Maker of Heaven.

He desires to heal our land, but He will only go so far as we will press in and seek Him. We must move forward with Him; we cannot afford to go on any further without Him. His presence and power is now more important than ever. Do not enter into the promise and the good things without Him. It won't be the same. He doesn't like to be used and manipulated.

His name must be preached, His power must be put on display, His love must be made manifest through the lives of believers. We, including myself, must do what Jesus did. We must love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, bless those who curse us, and love those who hate us. No more just cruising through life, blindly, selfishly, going through the motions. Rise up church by going lower. Get on your face, run to the Father, surrender your ENTIRE life, no more compromise, no more running away. He is a Good Father who loves.

He wants you. He wants your heart. He wants your love. He wants to help you, to bless you, to establish you, to make your God-dreams come true. He wants to care for you but He won't force Himself upon you. Let Him love you. His love is wonderful, it's unexplainably amazing. His love can never fail. His love can heal the most deepest of wounds and can melt the coldest of hearts. His love can change your life for the better. His love is everything.

Lay aside our political agendas. Lay aside our religious ones. Lay aside our selfish ambition. Lay aside our coveting and our selfishness. Lay aside our pride and our shame. Lay aside our lukewarmness. Church of America, I'm talking to you. Lay down your inequities; they are killing you, slowly but surely. Wake up! Again, I say, WAKE UP! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

Let your light shine before others so they might see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in Heaven. Turn on the lights, because what's in the darkness will ALWAYS be exposed in the light. Confess your sins to one another, so that you might be healed. Bring your struggles to Jesus and lay them down at the foot of the cross. Submit to the Holy Spirit and DO NOT quench Him. Please, I beg you Church, please stop grieving the Holy Ghost.

We break His heart when we turn our backs on Him and say we don't need His help anymore. We've always needed His help and we always will. He is able and He is willing and He is desiring. He desires to intervene on our behalf for our good. Let Him. Let Him help you. Admit you need help. Shut up the lies of pride that say you got it from here. You don't.

We need a great outpouring of the Spirit now more than ever. We need revival. And revival starts in the hearts of God's people. Do you want to win the war against evil principalities and spiritualities? Do you want to obtain the victory that God promises to give? Let God have your heart, your whole heart. Let Him soften it. Let Him break it for what breaks His.

Then, love. Love the hell out of people, literally. Love your enemies. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. And love Him, please. He's worthy. He loved us first. Remember what He did for you. He gave His life, now will you find Him worthy of you giving your life to Him? A sinner's prayer is just the beginning, because being born again is so much more. It means surrender and obedience. It means no longer living in perpetual sin. It means not my will, but His be done.

Jesus is kind. He is patient. He is full of grace and mercy. He is compassionate and slow to get angry but He is also just. He will bring vengeance and judgement day will come. He desires justice and freedom from oppression. Partner with Him. Get on His boat and sail with Him while you still have time. He is calling your name. He is calling you closer, and deeper.

Please Church, please I beg you, respond to the call. Don't wait till the world falls apart to come to Him wholeheartedly. Come to Him now and fight with Him. Fight the good fight of faith and destroy the works of the devil. You were created to overcome the world and to win. Why wait? You were born for this, to be in the living Army of the Lord. Come on...

We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, remember this. So put on the Armor of God, all of it, suit up and pull out your sword. Take down the demonic principalities in regions, conquer strongholds in cities, and set captives free. See the gold in people, see people the way the Lord sees them, as someone worth dying for. Come on Church. It's your hour. It's time.

It's time to get ready. It's time to get trained, equipped, and empowered. Gen Z, I'm talking to you. Your generation was born for such a time as this. Wake up the wonder, let the Holy Ghost fill you. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Take the promised land, and hold millennials and boomers accountable to lead you well. Don't give up on us, even if it seems we've lost our way. We need you and you need us. The Church is a body.

The church is a family and I'm crying out to her, desperately, to let God fix her broken heart. To have the Spirit of God breath on her powerfully again to see her wake up and open her sleepy eyes. Meet God in the secret place and let him ignite a flame that can never be put out in you again. You are the altar. Your life is the sacrifice. Let Him burn His love within you. His love changes things.

I love you Church. I am contending for you. I am fighting for you. I am giving my life for you. I am speaking to you, specifically the American Church. I believe in you and I believe in the power of prayer. The Lord answers the prayers of a righteous man. We are made righteous by our faith. So believe again Church, dream again Church. Shift atmospheres, make the evil spirits tremble, and show Satan who you are. You are able. You ARE the bride of Christ.

You ARE the head and not the tail. You ARE above and not below. You ARE fearfully and wonderfully made. You are anointed. You are called. You are loved. You are the workmanship of God. You are blessed. You are special. You are His body. You are stronger than you know.

And we are stronger together. So as the mountains tremble, and every fake altar that has been built is torn down, let us ascend to the Mountain of the Lord, where we can attain the victory the Lord is promising His remnant. Come, join us. Join the Army and win the war.

It's your destiny. Do not be afraid anymore. Yes, I'm speaking to you. The Lord is with us.

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