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Out of Egypt

Are you stuck in the same old place? Do you ever feel like you’re trying to be free of your current situation but you just can’t get out of it? Maybe Quarantine has you feeling like this. Maybe it’s something else.

I know first-hand what it’s like to feel like way, to feel totally out of control and helpless. It feels like no matter what you do, you can’t liberate yourself. In fact, at times, it may even feel like the harder you try to fix your situation, the more it backfires and the lower you sink into the sinking sand that threatens to swallow you alive.

Happy times right? But you’re not alone in your despair. There’s a popular story in the Bible that talks about this very thing. Moses was a special man. He had quite the interesting tale of death, triumph, loss, freedom, and miraculous events unfold in his life.

If there is anyone who knows what it’s like to be stuck in an unpleasant situation wanting out, it’s probably this guy, Moses. He was raised as royalty but in a religious tyranny that hated the very people that shared his own DNA. His adopted father was an evil man who hated God and wanted to be God himself.

Moses got to see for himself how wicked his father’s people were, as he witnessed the physical abuse of the Israelite slaves the Egyptians kept. Moses was so mad at the mistreatment of the slaves that he lashed out and attacked the abuser to save the other guy.

Needless to say, it didn’t end so well for the bad guy. Moses fled his home because of what he had done and lived alone in the wilderness for 40 freakin years, yes 40! But this was significant, as all things are in the Kingdom of God.

While Moses was busy living his own life and not having to worry about anyone else, God decided it was time to make His grand appearance, and that He did! Appearing in a burning bush, God literally talked to Moses through the fire.

He told Moses to return to Egypt, the very scary place that Moses had run away from! What if Pharaoh decided to kill Moses for what he had done? What if Moses was forced to be a mistreated slave himself? I’m sure Moses thought about all these things.

Nevertheless, Moses trusted God and returned. God used Moses to change the world, and Moses demanded that Pharaoh let his people go. Moses was an Israelite raised in an Egyptian household but now he knew where he came from and where he belonged.

Pharaoh had a hard heart though, and was very stubborn.  He refused time after time, after many plagues and famines, to let the slaves go. I’m sure Moses was probably pretty annoyed and may have even had a moment where he was like, “I returned home for this?!”

Nonetheless, after Moses continued to obey God and stand up for what he knew was right, even in the face of such powerful evil, eventually Pharoah folded. He released the Israelite people to be free at last and Moses was born for such a time as that!

Moses led his own people through the very wilderness he had been stuck in for 40 long years. Yes, 40, again! I don’t believe that’s a coincidence.

God had given the Israelites a promise that they were His own people, loved and chosen by Him, and He would never leave or forsake them. Moses was the man for the hour, raised up to be their leader, and take them to the Promised Land.

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