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Blog: Blog2

No More Negativity

Have you ever been around someone that constantly has something negative to say? It seems like no matter how hard you try to do the right thing, they find a reason to find a flaw in something you’re doing or even try to attack your character. When you try to ask them about it, they get defensive and come up with a bunch of excuses, anything but hearing what you actually have to say. It’s like their opinion matters but your heart doesn’t.

I have found that when I draw closer to God, it seems like I'm also drawing attention to myself. The dark spirits that be, can't seem to stand the light in me. People that I've considered friends and family want to tear me apart and tell me how I should be living my life. However, when I look at some of their lives, I don't see much fruit being produced. Usually, when the unjust criticism comes, it is right in the middle of when I'm seeking God and being obedient, as He leads me.

Therefore, it's safe to say that the more mature you grow in Christ, the more likely the enemy will be there to try and distract you. The devil is a liar though, and he wants nothing more than to destroy the good deeds we are doing with and for the Lord. We can't afford to let ignorant voices, no matter who they are, tell us something different than what God has spoken.

I understand this can be hard because it often comes in the form of familiar faces. Satan is clever and knows that if he wants to defeat us, the best way to do that is to use and deceive the people we love most. He wants nothing more than to turn us against each other. That is why we must be alert in prayer because the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8: "Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

Now, I'm not asking you to hate anyone but instead, pray for these people. Pray that the Lord would open up their eyes and show them where they are mistaken. If they still don't see clearly, don't take it personally. Sometimes, you have to limit people's influence in your life because whether or not you want it, they are being used as pawns and puppets by the evil one, most often unaware.

My prayer for you today is that you would be able to focus on what the Good Lord is doing in your life, no matter what is happening around you. I hope you can forgive people that have spoken death into your life. That doesn't mean you keep them close but you rather, give them to God. God knows your heart and if He wants to show you something, He will. Trust God loves you and is proud of you.

It's time we speak LIFE!

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