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Blog: Blog2

Jesus People

We need a new Jesus Movement. We’ve had the "Jesus People Movement" of the 60’s. We currently have some "John The Baptist’s" rising up, but we need the Jesus people to prepare. I hear the Lord saying that their time to rise out of the ashes is coming soon. 

Many think that Jesus will return soon. He will, but not yet. Not until a wave of revival, preceding a great sweep of The 3rd Great (and Final) Awakening happens.

We are in prophetic days, friends. People are being woken up, but to evil. The Lord desires for us to not fix our eyes on what Satan is doing, but to have our hearts opened to what Jesus has already done.

We think awakening is here. In some ways, it is. But it's not the right kind. What's done in darkness will always be exposed in the light. That's Scripture.

But are we going to choose (because yes, we have a choice) to settle on zooming in on what the Devil is doing on the earth and give him the glory OR are we going to cry out to God in total humility and surrender, for Him to awaken the eyes of the blind?

Not just that, but are we going to open the eyes of the blind? We need intercessors with the heart of God to cry out in the Secret Place for change but we ALSO need those with God's heart to go and speak to those that are lost.

God is mad at evil but He always has been. He hates wickedness because it destroys human lives (all human lives) that are made in HIS OWN IMAGE.

The issue is not that people are sinners, so much as it is that people have been afflicted by the disease of sin. They are suffering, hurting, and dying, and do we care Church? Do we truly CARE for the lost, the broken, the forgotten, the invisible, and the scared ones?

Or are we too busy saying, "Good luck, you're on your own; I can't do everything." And it's true. You can't do everything but you can DO SOMETHING.

My last blog post was about how the Church has failed. She has failed in America to leave the "safety" and comfort of the building, where Church is more of a Social Club than anything else, to exit onto the highways and byways where the lost sheep are wandering aimlessly and hopelessly. I have looked into their eyes and seen their torment. Does anyone else care enough to do what Jesus did?

Guys, hear me- I LOVE the Church but I hate what she's become. Jesus is NOT coming back for a blemished and impure Church. So He won't return yet. Yes, His heart is broken for the pain in the world today. No, He's not happy with the evil that goes on from slaughtering babies, to racism, to police brutality, to political and religious spirits, to homelessness, to human trafficking, to unnecessary poverty, to judging unbelievers, to complacency/lukewarmness and on and on and on it goes.

BUT! If we only focus on the problem and never the solution, we WILL get depressed. It is a LOT. It is heavy. It is hurtful. I know that. I get it. BUT Jesus Christ IS. He IS the answer. He IS the way. He IS the solution. He IS it.

Not money, not politics, not the religious spirit, not holding up signs, and going on marches. Not losing our temper, not fighting in the streets, not repaying evil for evil. Guys, God IS love. He IS hope. He IS peace. He IS freedom. He IS.

And He will always be. Forever and ever, the KING OF KINGS. He's the Alpha. He's the Omega. He's the way to everlasting life. He's the Hope of Glory, and if you're a real Christian, He lives INSIDE OF YOU, Saint! Yes, you! YOU!!!!

Mount up on wings like Eagles, Church. Run and not grow weary, Church. Put on the Armor of God, Church. You think this fighting is bad? It's nothing. It's nothing compared to what will come. Are you ready for it? You better be. Get ready.

Get in the Secret Place. Get alone with God. Pray. Pray. Pray. Seek and you will find Him. In the words of Revelation 3:19-21:

"All those I dearly love I unmask and train. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right. Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with me. And to the one who conquers I will give the privilege of sitting with me on my throne, just as I conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne."

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