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It's Time to Play Rough

It's not time to play nice anymore. The Church has been silent for far too long about issues that matter, like worshipping our King without fear. We were quiet during the COVID outbreak and we didn't heal the sick like we could have. We missed our chance but we'll have another chance. Unfortunately, it might have to get really difficult again, for us to have our comeback.

Yes, this IS a rebuke to the Church. I'm writing to you in the "spirit of Paul," if you will, as one who has a tender heart for God's body, His bride. I have been commissioned to build His church and see her become and blossom into the beautiful promise she's meant to be. But she cannot get there until she is revived. You think revival is for the world? You're wrong.

Revival is for the Church. It's not time for me to be nice anymore. I've been Miss Nice Pants for far too long and people are still sleeping. I will gladly lay down my life for you and put you before myself, but you need to hear the truth too. I can give you grace after grace and I will, but you still need to see clearly. My compassion does not equal lack of serious action.

Let my actions be consistent with my words and hear me now Church. What are you doing?! Why are you still hiding from Corona? Why are you still letting a Secular Government push you around and bully you into cowardice? Where are my David's at? Who will slay these giants of fear in the land? Where are my Joshua's at who believe the Lord no matter what?!

Come on Church. I'm disappointed in you but not surprised. I love you SO much but you're a disastrous mess. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I've traveled all over this country, to 28 states so far, I've preached in Churches and on the streets, I've volunteered at numerous churches and ministries and more than anything, I've visited soooo many different Churches. And I'm sad to say that the majority of them were dead. Yes, dead! They had no life in them.

Where was God in those Churches? Because I didn't feel or sense Him there. He's in me, so He spoke to me and you probably don't want to know the things He told me and showed me. But let's just say it wasn't good. I've heard one too many "Pastors," preach false messages with distorted belief systems, unbiblical practices, and lack of the power of the Holy Ghost.

What is that? It's like they've never encountered Jesus themselves. Have they even read the Bible? And no, I probably won't come to your Church. Sorry. But I'm not sorry. Because your "idea" of Church may not be Church at all. I'm a Reformer of the Church, a Revivalist if you want to call me that. Call me whatever you want but I can't stay down anymore and shut up.

I've seen too many lies spread in the name of Christianity. I've felt God's righteous anger at the hypocritical, blasphemous, foolish messages being preached. I don't see His love and kindness in these Churches. I see religious spirits calling the shots. I'm flipping the table on this one. What are you doing in God's house acting like this? Stop it. Stop being "religious."

You are an enemy to the Gospel if you think preaching rules and law is going to save people. We have too many "rules." Guess what, love IS the law. It's in the Bible. Go look it up for yourself. And yes, I'm not happy. How can I be? The world doesn't want us, because we have no unity, no Spirit of God, no hope, no freedom, no love, no joy, no peace. We are fake.

While not everybody is, there are one too many counterfeit Christians masquerading as knowing God but their hearts are so far from Him. They are selfish and they just don't want to go to hell. Period. That's why they said a prayer one time to let Jesus in their heart or whatever. Pfffttt. You think a "magic" prayer prayed in half-hearted belief, not even fully knowing the Gospel, and just to save your own skin is going to work? Try again.

It didn't for me. I didn't know the Savior; I just knew about Him. Wasn't good enough. Owned a Bible but didn't really read it to hear what He had to say. Not good enough. Believed in Jesus but so do the demons. Not good enough. I needed to be baptized in water, fire, and the Holy Ghost, as a demonstration of my faith and to receive the power of the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. I needed to die! I could only die in the waters of baptism.

I needed to commit and give my LIFE, not just my heart, to Jesus. So, I finally did. And eventually I got baptized in fire AND the Holy Ghost and I was different! We can't stay calm, carnal, lukewarm, passive, unbelieving, Christians anymore. That's not Christianity Church.

I love you. Hear me. I do, but wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP. Why are you still sleeping Bride? Put oil in your lamps; He's coming soon. Stop living for yourself. Who cares about your own agendas? Stop building your own Kingdom. I know I might sound harsh but I've been so nice and patient with you. But now you need to listen to me, WAKE UP CHURCH OF AMERICA.

I watch you advance your own "kingdoms." I watch you chase your own dreams in "the name of the Lord." Did He even tell you to do that? Are you sure? How many hours a day do you spend with Him? Just curious. Do you talk to Him throughout your day, because He's talking to you? Are you even listening? Do you really, really consult Him before making life-changing decisions or do you just let the waves of life throw you around in whatever direction?

Tell me Church. Who is God to you? What are some of His names? And what does He call you? Who does He say you are? Do you know who you are in the five-fold? Do you know your spiritual gifts? Do you know your unique calling to the world? Do you? Do you though?

Can you answer all these questions? Can you tell me prophetic things that only the Lord could have revealed? Do you sincerely love people without wanting anything in return? Do you actually think of others as more important than yourself? Have you really forgiven everyone whose done you dirty? Do you actually pray for your enemies, truly?

Are you humble? Are you grateful? Are you living in daily surrender and submission to the Holy Spirit? Is He even in you? Answer these questions truthfully because it's important that you do. I love you and I want to not just see ALL of you in Heaven, but I need to know that I did my part in making sure that everyone who reads this at least got on their knees, got on their faces, repented if they needed to and gave up their selfish-ambition and pride.

I need to know that I said enough to make sure that EVERYONE that I was entrusted to, had a chance to get convicted and be checked by the Holy Spirit using me. I will speak for the Lord, if everyone else remains quiet. I will not stay silent. I will not bite my tongue when God says speak. You don't have to like me but I love you. I actually really do, and I want, enough to make me cry, to know that you were given a chance to at least think about all this.

Think about all of this. Do you want your full inheritiance? Do you want your full, Heavenly reward or are you going to settle for less and fail your King? Are you going to live short of the call that God has for your life or are you going to run the race, without fear of man, without self-centeredness and pursue the things of God? Tell me, beloved, are your eyes fixed on Jesus? Do you seek first His Kingdom? Eternity is a long time to never inherit your reward.

You can get to Heaven, as way too many do, and realize you messed up. You forfeited the call of God on your life and you threw away your future in the name of fear and pride. Don't be that person, because you will weep and gnash your teeth, like the Bible says. You will come to the sobering reality one day, of whether or not you ever fulfilled the promises that the Lord had given you. Free-will does exist. Choose Him. Not religion. Not yourself. But Him!

He is altogether lovely, altogether wonderful. He is GOOD. He is worth living for because you were worth dying for. Church, don't give up. I know it's scary but it's going to be ok. You can do this. You were meant for this. You were born for this. America- you have the resources, connections, finances, blessings. Don't let that be in vain. You're the greatest nation for a reason.

Don't throw it away American Church. Rise up. Open your blind eyes. See. See from Heaven's perspective because being busy doesn't necessarily equate with Godliness either. You can be so busy serving Satan, thinking it's the Lord. Check yourself. Humble yourself. Realize you need His help, every day. Let Him help you. Don't do it all on your own.

It's a partnership. You co-labor with Christ and co-reign with Him through the Great Co-Mission. "Co" means "together." Let's do it together with Christ. You're not a lone wolf. You're not required to be your Savior. I want to see every person that I ever knew receive their eternal reward, in fullness, because they lived the life that God had planned for them.

You have a choice. Not everything is what it seems either. Some of the biggest ministries today will fall, as they have been, because their hearts are not right with God. If you do not walk humbly with the Lord, fearing only God, and living courageously to advance His Kingdom with pure love in your hearts, what are you truly living for? What are you doing?

He will refine you. He will purify you. It might sting a little but don't resist. It's so you come out as pure gold. Too many are wrestling with God, like I had been, calling Him the enemy by mistake, and they're losing. They wonder why it's so hard but His burden is light and His yoke is easy. If it's too heavy, give it to God. Release what needs to be released and trust Him.

He gives us burdens to help each other carry but He is with us. Why are we ignoring Him? Why are we only using Him as a "get out of hell" free card? Church, it's time you have a relationship with your Maker. It's time you ask yourself the hard questions and genuinely pray from a sincere heart. Be open to be changed by Him. Be willing to admit you make mistakes.

You are human after all. You will mess up. But God forgives. Jesus has already saved you through His grace. Receive that if you haven't and then give Him your life. Be His messengers here on this Earth. Don't worry what people think but fear God only. Don't be afraid of Him, but just know there is no one above Him. He alone has the power to save.

I love you Church. I'm sorry if I seem mean. I'm not. I'm just mad. Mad that God's name is being smeared in the name of Christianity. Mad that people don't want anything to do with our sweet Jesus because all they see is quarreling, judgmental, hypocritical Christians.

I want to see a final, Great Awakening like the world has never seen. This last wave will be massive enough to usher in the Lord's return. But it cannot happen until the Church gets right with God. Church has left the building. Revival is on the horizon.You are the saints of God. Be baptized in fire! Be filled with the Holy Ghost! Turn to God and away from your own selfish desires, no matter how good they might appear.

Give Him everything. We need this friends. We need this. It's not time to be lukewarm. I'll say it again, "Wake Up Church." Wake up bride of Christ. The world is watching you and I want to see a great harvest of souls get born again, like the world has never known. Do you? Then, wake up. Let Him revive you. Let Him heal you. Let Him teach you. Let Him rescue you.

Let Him have His way in YOUR life...

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