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He IS in the Room

I hear people say all the time that they are inviting God to show up. I say it all the time, more specifically, welcoming the Holy Ghost to come. But the reality is, He's already here. At least He should be. That is, if we claim to be Christians.

I won't stop asking the Holy Spirit to let His presence be known though. I will never stop waiting on Him to move, no matter how many times those around me quench His Spirit.

See, I've been captivated by Jesus Christ. He saved my life, not just one day, but today. He is both the Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world AND the Good Shepherd who tends tenderly, patiently and compassionately to His flock, no matter how wayward they may be.

Yet, He lives IN ME! What great news that is. We could've stopped with the Gospel, being the Good News alone, but no, we have even MORE great news now!!!

The great news being, once again, He's alive in every person that has been filled with His fullness. The Bible says that that is evidence that we belong to Him (Romans 8), if we have His Spirit in us. His Spirit allows us to pray in new languages (tongues) that edify our soul.

You must be baptized in the Holy Ghost and in Fire. A lot of people stop at the water baptism, but they have stopped short of the complete picture of the One who wants to make His home deep inside of you! He is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, and He wants in.

He wants in you, just like He wanted in me. He wants to consume us with His perfect love, cast out fear, and liberate us from demonic forces. He brings healing, life, purpose, joy, peace, and hope. He shows us the way and guides our every move. He is for us.

The Holy Ghost is one with The Father and the Son, and He desires to be one with us too! That's crazy right?! That the God of the Universe wants to be that close. Yet, He does.

He wants to fill us up with His goodness and His greatness. He wants to connect to our hearts and give us His sweet desires. He wants to open our eyes and show us life abundant. He wants to remove the veils that keep us in the dark and show us a better way.

It doesn't matter if you've believed in Jesus or not already, you still need the indwelling Holy Spirit to come possess you. I used to think people were weirdos when they talked about this. I didn't get it. I was a Christian; I believed in Jesus. But something important was missing.

I didn't have the FIRE and I didn't have the Spirit. He was with me, but more so, around me, I think. He always talked to me and I was born with gifts, as we all are. But I needed Him to BAPTIZE me in Him and in His POWER. It finally happened and now I'm not the same.

The Fire of God burns in me, as I AM the altar, the sacrifice, the living stone. We are His Pillars of Fire. We ARE His vessels of Glory. Yet, so many, don't yet carry this.

I desire, like Paul, that all of you reading this would be baptized not just in H20 but in the Holy Ghost and in Fire. It will make your life what your life is meant to be. It will help you. It will give you keys to your destiny and more importantly, it will give you Him, the full measure of Him.

He'll sound clearer, and His voice won't be hard to find. In fact, you may just find it's hard to NOT hear Him. And if you're reading this and you haven't experienced all of this, I want to pray for you. RIGHT NOW. Because NOW is the time.

"Dear Lord, I thank you for the soul reading this right now. I thank you SO MUCH that they would be born again and baptized. I thank you that they may be filled with the fullness of God, in water, fire, and Spirit. We are born of water and the Spirit, after all.

Thank you Jesus, that you have heard my written words and you are faithful to complete them. In your precious name, I pray. AMEN."

So, instead of next time inviting just the Holy Ghost presence to show up, how about remember He's hopefully in you now? How about realizing that YOU, yes, YOU, carry Him, everywhere you go, to the ends of the world. YOU are His plan. YOU are His purpose.

Please stop asking Him to do what He made you to do. Just go do it. Please stop making excuses and go do what Jesus did. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, baptize, preach the Gospel, and make disciples. It's simple really and it's easy when He's in you :)

I love you Church. He is with you and may He now be in you. I pray for the baptism of FIRE and The Holy Spirit. Receive it now, as you read this. Open your heart, open your mind, open your hands and let Him touch you. Let Him save you. Let Him rescue you. Let Him help.

Now, as you go out into all of Creation, do what He modeled for us to do. Live the life worthy of the calling you have received. Freely you've received, now freely give (Matthew 10:8).

Love like Jesus. Love Love Love. Never stop loving. Never give up. Surrender to Him. He's in you, isn't He? Submit to the Spirit of God, don't rush Him. He is gentle. Wait on Him. Let Him help you be patient and get ready for the race ahead.

It's not time to quench and grieve His Spirit anymore. We've done way too much of that already, as it is. Let Him consume you with His grace, mercy, and kindness and go give it all away. Lay down on the floor and pray in tongues or sit in silence and wait. But just wait. He'll come. He always does. Remember, He's not far away. He's close. As close as your heartbeat.

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