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Don't Be Jealous Of Me

The Lord is a jealous God, but His jealousy is unlike the world's. See, He is jealous for your unashamed, unfiltered, uncensored, wholehearted, pure love. He doesn't need your money or want you to do all this stuff for Him to impress Him. Guess what?! He was impressed when He made you! You ARE His greatest masterpiece, human-being. Did you know that the words, "people," "Israel," and the word, "man" appear in the Bible more than all other words, only with the exception of "Lord," and "God?" What does this all mean? It means that He's not ashamed of you! It means that He wants you! It means that He created people for Him.

He wanted a family or else humans wouldn't exist. All God ever wanted was to be a Father, a good one, or else there would still only be Angels and Heavenly creatures with the Trinity. But no, He decided to make man! He wanted kids; He wanted to extend His family, and therefore, made US in His OWN image! Wow! Do you really comprehend that? You are NOT a mistake. You are NOT here on accident. The Lord loves you so so so much and He calls to you...

He doesn't want you to waste time bowing down to man-made things that can't save your life. He doesn't want you to falsely put your trust in fake religions and idols made of hands. Rocks and crystals can't save you but the Creator can. Buddha is in the grave and so is Muhammed. Jesus is the only one whose body cannot be found because He has risen!

This being said, His love is jealous because He knows how much you ARE worth. You were worth Him sending His only son, Jesus, to die for. Did you catch that? God, the Creator of the whole entire Universe, decided that you, yes you, were worth laying down His own perfect, sinless, Holy, righteous life for! Jesus, who never once messed up, died a horrible death, so that you might live a wonderful life. That doesn't mean there won't be obstacles, just that He already paved the way for you to experience His abundance, blessings, provision, and more.

See, you can have little to your name and still be rich in His Kingdom. You can be financially poor on Earth but wealthy in Heaven. The point is the Lord lavishes His perfect love on His kids: those who accept Him as their Father. It doesn't matter if you have lots of toys or live in a hut, He will take care of you! He is a good, good Papa and He will never leave you friend.

He's not mad at you. He won't strike you down with lightning. He won't even hold your sins against you, if you simply accept His free, grace offering and realize He's forgiven you and worth believing in and following. Jesus was crucified so that you could take up your cross and walk into the Promised Land with Him. Jesus was resurrected so that you too, might find new, healthy, powerful, great life in Him! There is no darkness in Him at all; He is for you!

So, please stop running away from Him because He's running towards you with open arms of forgiveness. It doesn't matter what you've done or what you'll do. His love is still always available for you. Mercy triumphs over judgement, after all (James 2:13). The Great King of Heaven believes in you and He wants to be your Helper. When you are weak, He will be your strength. When you are tired, He will give you new energy. When you're hurt, He'll heal you.

Friends, I promise you that I serve a really good God. He's not what "religious" people, like the ones I grew up around and still face on seemingly a daily basis, make Him out to be. He doesn't need you to obsessively fixate on following the 10 Commandments. That's Old Testament and love, real love, fulfills the law and Commands (Romans 13:8) already. If you give Him your heart, He will be the one to change you from the inside out. You can't do it.

You can't save yourself. Your sacrificial obedience is counted as filthy rags in His sight because not one is good, not even one (Luke 18:19, Romans 3:10, Isaiah 64:6). Only the purifying power of the Lamb of God (Jesus) can cleanse you from all unrighteousness and make you Holy, spotless, and pure and blameless in His sight. Apart from Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5) friend. But with Him, ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

Now, that you've heard some of the Gospel truth, I want to talk to you a moment about something else I've noticed. I've noticed that instead of appropriately having the "fear of the Lord," (respect, awe, wonder, worship, reverence, afraid of nothing else) people are fearing man instead. They are so afraid of what people might think of them that they fall victim to lies from Hell. And sadly, people with their demons manipulate, control, and deceive others.

And "less-aware" people are ignorant to this very present reality, and are sometimes consumed by these attacks from the enemy. If God is wholly good, as He is, then Lucifer is solely bad, as he is. The devil is real too (just look at all the bad things that happen), and he will definitely send his demonic army to use humans to destroy other humans. News Update: This is probably his greatest attack plan! If he can just get us to kill each other, he wins.

At least he thinks he does. The reality is his fate is hell and the lake of fire. It doesn't end well for Satan. Hell was created for him and the angels that betrayed their Maker, not humans. Yet, Satan is determined to take as many people with him as he can, as payback. He hates humans because we are what he'll never be: God's own children made in His image. He is jealous of us, and wants to take us out and send us to hell, after hell on earth is unleashed.

Do you see it yet? Instead of worshipping a jealous God, too many often become consumed with jealousy towards their fellow man. Jealousy is a demonic stronghold, deployed by Lucifer himself, to target the human race. If the devil can get us to just be filled with jealousy towards each other, just like he is, he thinks he has the upper hand. Since Lucifer is jealous of people, where God is jealous for people, the enemy uses that against us. Get it?

Jealousy, which can manifest in a competitive spirit, is unleashed against humans, so that we will do the devil's work for him. If we want to be like someone else, instead of respecting and admiring their strengths, Satan wants us to want to take their power from them. He wants us to be so consumed with jealousy that we are divided. He wants us to be so filled with a jealously, that means we attack others for no good cause. He wants us to turn on each other.

And jealousy is often associated with a Jezebel Spirit, who seeks to control, manipulate, and seduce her targets. People that are being tormented with jealousy give way to "Jezebel," to come and try and mess with people and their callings. I've seen it happen one too many times. In fact, I've personally dealt with Jezebel trying to take me out, myself, multiple times.

Sadly, I've been around lots of jealous people, who open the door to Jezebel, and they start to manifest evil. Sometimes, I feel like demons just manifest around me left and right and now I'm realizing why. I'm called to cast them out and set people free. "The Spirit of Elijah," in me, (as one who is extremely blessed to be very prophetic, with the gift of radical faith and no fear of man) seems to provoke Jezebel. That demon hates me a lot because of who I am.

Yet, take it from me. If people get jealous of you a lot, the good news is that you're probably doing something right! The Spirit of God must be strong enough in you that hell is trembling in its' boots and unleashing its' fury of fiery darts to try and stop you. I've battled it my whole life. I've been beaten up for my faith but I stand strong because I know my God is worth it. I know I will never back down or give up the good fight. No matter how I feel.

And believe me, even though I have fire from Heaven burning in me and have witnessed some really, really powerful moves of God before in my life, sometimes, like Elijah, I just want to run away as far and fast as I can. I want to hide in a cave and like Apostle Paul said, tell God it would be better for me to just go home now, because I'm tired of Jezebel trying to take my life. But every time, the Lord says "What are you doing here? Get up and eat. Then, go back." Yes, go back to the middle of the battlefield where all these false, fake, "Christianese" people are spreading all these lies in the name of God and doing more damage than good.

Yes, that's hard at times. I don't do well with these religious, legalistic types who try and be the Holy Spirit for me and are really just repeating what Lucifer is telling them to say. I struggle to bite my tongue when multiple jealous Jezebel's are staring at me, red-eyed with hate in their eyes at my blessed existence. I really want to call fire down on them sometimes. See, they see the hand of God and the favor of God on my life and they don't like me for it.

Instead of cheering me on for being on the right team and helping me advance the Kingdom of God by using their own gifts and callings, they want to eliminate me from the picture, take what I have, or at least use me for their own selfish-ambition. And yes, I'm talking about people who claim to be Christ followers. These are people I should be able to trust too.

But instead of repaying evil for evil and having a Mt. Carmel Showdown moment, as fun as that sounds and as much as I might want to do that to prove once and for all who the real God is and the real prophets are, I turn the other cheek and do good to those who do wrong to me. I hug my enemies and I pray for them. They need deliverance, and maybe healing, yes, so I don't turn around and fight them back with fire. I do hope they get set free.

I hope they get delivered from the demons and humble themselves enough to let go of selfish-ambition (Jezebel's goal), and get in alignment with what the Holy Spirit is doing and wants to do, on the Earth. Because if you're not with Him, you're against Him. And if you don't gather with Him, you scatter (Matthew 12:30). It's time to break the Strongholds over regions that are dealing with jealousy like this. It's time to set the captives free, Church.

So where do we go from here? Do we just run away from Jezebel or let her beat us up? No, of course not! We don't hurt the person, who Jesus died for, but we ask the Lord to let us see them the way He does and fill our hearts with not just truth, but also, compassion. We understand that this person is in fact a victim of the devil and simply being used as a pawn for evil. They are a prisoner who needs help, who needs saving. They're not the bad guy.

We don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritualities and principalities (Ephesians 6:12). Our war is NEVER against other people. People are hosts to all kinds of demons and at the end of the day, those demons are hurting them too. Those devils are also trying to destroy them, and prevent and distract them from ever fulfilling their own purpose here on Earth, as it is in Heaven. As Christians, we must help them.

We don't have time to get offended and hold these sins against others. If Jesus forgives, so should we. That doesn't mean we ignorantly put up with abuse but we don't fight fire with fire. Unless of course, it's the baptism of fire, that is. Which is what we really need now more than ever! But that's another topic for another day. But it's time to do something guys!

It's time to do greater works that Jesus promised we'd do in John 14:12, and that includes casting out devils. As true believers, we've been given authority, empowered by the Holy Ghost, to do what Jesus did. We can't just leave people slaves to darkness anymore and spreading lies about Christianity. This helps no one and leaves God mad and looking bad.

No, He's not mad at you. He's mad at the demons. But it's up to you and I to conquer them. To rise up, walk out our authority, and free these prisoners. Will you join me? Will you overcome offense, fear, hopelessness, and maybe even get set free yourself, to help others get set free from jealousy and selfish-ambition? Will you really love your enemies?

Will you forgive those who've done you wrong and turn the other cheek when they come for you? And not to ignore the problem, but to humble yourself enough to turn around and cast that monster out? Will you see that we aren't each other's real adversaries but we are all loved and treasured by our Creator? Can we get on the same team and work together?

It's time guys, to stop being divided because of Satan's ploys, plans, and plots to turn us on one another. It's time to unite, in the Spirit of God, with ALL of our beautiful, different, various gifts and mantles to build up the Church and shine light into the darkness. It's time we come together, in the name of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, to advance His Kingdom.

So, goodbye Satan. Not today. We're done with you jealousy. We're breaking up with you and we're coming together because as a wise man once said, "We're stronger together."

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