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A ROYAL Priesthood

I want to talk a moment about God's Chosen. The Bible says we are His: His beloved, His children, His ambassadors, His people, His plan.

In Israel, God allowed the people to choose a King because they complained about not having one, like the other nations did.

God always wanted to be their King, but He gave them what they wanted. In the next many years, they saw many kings rise and fall, the majority of whom did evil in His sight.

We are a promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey, here in America. We have it made, blessings at our fingertips. We are children of promise, children that have become a bit spoiled and complacent. Maybe it's because we're still drinking milk and it's gone bad.

It's time to eat the meat in the land. Yes, there's lots of milk but are we still infants? Are we truly okay with remaining spiritual newborns, or might we desire the more? Are we truly satisfied or does something inside of us still hunger for more? Are we hungry enough?

I'd bet that most are not truly satisfied, if they're being honest with themselves. Whether you're the next President of the United States, Lady Gaga, or just your everyday Joe, I'd say most people know deep down, that there has got to be more to life than all the shenanigans.

It's time we grow up and grow up in love. Grow out of selfishness, fear, and vanity. God has chosen to bless America but we HAVE to remember Him. If we forget Him and forsake Him, and we say we don't want or need Him anymore, how will that benefit us? He loves much. He wants us. But He NEVER forces Himself on anyone...

I'm asking you Church and America, please don't reject His great love. His love is triumphant; His love is victorious but people don't go to Hell because God doesn't love them. No, they go there because they refuse to accept His kindness, mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness.

It's your choice. You were created by the Great Creator who is in every way good, Holy, and righteous. He is perfect and there is no darkness in Him at all. His ways bring joy, peace, freedom, healing, and eternal life. Trust me, it's not a religious system of obsessive-compulsive law-following, punishment inducing, unfair judging, and harsh rules.

His Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy. His law IS love. His ways are merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgement (James 2:13). Pride tells you to be good and to be better. It lies to you and tells you that in your own human strength, you can be like God. You can be Him.

But you're not. Only God is God. You will make mistakes; you will stumble. All have fallen short. No one perfectly hits the mark every single time. But Jesus. Jesus is perfect in every way. And so is the love He possesses. And He, and only He, can help you grow and mature and become more Christlike. But without Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5).

Let's not make 2021, and the years following, a nation without God. We are still "One nation UNDER God," no matter who the President is and what the coins say. This is bigger than politics. This is bigger than government. The Government is on HIS shoulders.

Let's not be so earthly-minded that we forget that we were meant to be Citizens of Heaven. Think on things above, come up higher, the Lord says. See things from His vantage point. He's not intimidated by Satan. He's not worried about American politics. He's got this.

He's with us, not against us. He's for us. He gave His life for us. Don't forget. Don't forget what He's done for this nation, despite our rebellion and wickedness. Don't forget the liberties He's given us. Don't forget the opportunities we've been given as Americans.

And don't for a second, think that tomorrow is guaranteed. Remember, today is a gift, from God. Remember, it's the greatest time to be alive for the Church. Remember who you are. And remember whose you are. We owe our life to the King, not the President.

He gave up His life first. Now, let's start serving and supporting Him. Let's march for Him. Let's worship Him. Let's sing to and praise Him. Let's thank Him. Let's obey Him. Let's trust Him. Let's believe Him. Let's love Him. For He is madly, deeply, crazily, in love with people, even if they don't deserve it. It's who He is. It's what He does. He IS love and He is my King.

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