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2022 The Year for the Church

I hear the Lord saying that the tide is rolling and the doors are swinging open, wide open. I see a flood of massive waters bringing in people who don't even know how they got there. And the doors of this entrance point are tall, mighty, and brilliant. Ancient Gates welcoming in a new breed of Citizens of Heaven. God is saying, "the lambs come, riding on waves of glory, where once there was mass casualties and mass deception, now we can begin to prepare our hearts and minds to see a great influx of souls rushing into the Kingdom of God."

What does this mean? It means the Church must begin to go lower, shake off shackles of bondage, cultivate an attitude of gratitude, and choose love as the highest mandate. Our priority must not be selfish gain, must not be selfish-ambition, must not be focused on the traditions of man, even in the context of Church history but on focusing and fixing our eyes on Jesus, who will totally perfect our faith and our love. Translation: Humility, thankfulness, praise, faith, and love will be our weapons here. If we do not have these things, we cannot be all that He intends for us to be. He is coming back soon and for a Bride that is blemish-free.

Awakening beckons us, around the corner, it calls, a final, wave of glorious surrender to the Highest, King of Kings but will we be ready Church? We must. We must put on our Armor, humble ourselves and stay there, choose love over everything else, and live by faith not by sight. We must worship Jesus in everything we do, all unto His glory and find Him in everything good and pleasing. The Lord is here. The Lord is in America and He wishes to be King here too. He desires to take over. He wants to be in charge of our cities. Let Him.

Church, let's let Him reign, without fighting Him. Stop wrestling God. Stop building your own agendas; stop advancing your own Kingdoms. Stop it. Just stop it. You have been prideful. You have been selfish. You have been blind. Open the eyes of your heart and love like Jesus. See your neighbor as better than yourself. Have mercy, act with kindness, and put others first. Stop thinking the world revolves around you; it does not. You matter to God but do not think of yourself as higher than you ought. He loves you. He believes in you. But know why.

Know He has a purpose for us in this hour, more so collectively, as a Body, then as an individual member. Many of us have been hidden in deep wells of darkness, crawling through valleys of thorns, sleeping in cold prisons, persecuted by family, judged by outsiders, and running from Jezebel. I hear the Lord saying, "Stop." Stop thinking it's all over. Stop thinking this is the end. Stop thinking you've missed it. Stop thinking it's too late. Stop running in circles, after your own tail. Stop chasing vanity. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Just stop.

The devil has been allowed time to ravage the Church but now the doors of Heaven swing wider still. Can you feel it? The presence of Angels hovering over you? The Glory of Kings falling on you? The anointing of the Heavenly falling on you? You are born for this. You belong to Jesus. You are His treasured possession. You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are seen. You are chosen. You are special, in His eyes. Get over yourself but don't get down on yourself. Know who you are, in confidence, because you know who He is. It's His time.

It's time we stop crying over spilled milk; it's time we put on the Armor of David; it's time we are wise as Solomon, brave as Elijah, and faithful as Peter. It's time for zeal like Paul and most of all, love like John. Rise up warriors! The King of Heaven beckons you forth. He calls you out of fear and complacency now. He summons you to a higher stance. He leads us to waters of peace and purity after we fight His fight with our belief. The banner over our Church Army must be love and nothing else. If we do not love, we do not know God. Love is selfless.

Love is bravery and love is kindness. Love is so patient and so pure. Love never fails. Come on Church. Put on love today, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. His peace will overtake you then, and you will not be swayed by the cares of this world anymore. For many of you have loved this world too much, but no more. Love not the things that are temporary and passing but the things that are eternal and unseen. Heaven's Kingdom is so much greater and wondrous than all these passing, fleeting things that fade and are destroyed. I love you Church. I love you. I love you. I love you. He loves you. He loves you.

He loves you enough to say "Come on." It's time. It's time to get ready. It's time to stay awake. It's time to not go back to sleep. Rest in Him but fight too. Fight with your faith, not with your logic. Fight with the Armor of God, not the patterns of this world. Do not be conformed to worldly temptations, like money and the American Dream. He wants to transform us and take us on a new path into wonderful, whimsical, delightful paths of gold and His goodness. Let Him. Let Him lead you, for know, He will never EVER leave you or forsake you. He is close.

He is closer than your brother or your mother. He is as close as your very breath. Let Him breathe through you. Let Him heal your body. Let Him heal your mind. Let Him heal your heart. Let Him heal your life. Let Him in. Let Him be both King and Savior. He must be Lord over EVERY area of your life. Stop advancing your own Kingdom, advance His. Build His Kingdom, build your life around Him, not your own good ideas, not what everyone else is doing, not even "good" things in your opinion. The Spirit must lead you in all things now.

So lay down your carnal weapons, lay down your selfish desires, lay down your vain ideas, lay down your foolish plans, lay down your worldly mindset. Live by faith my child, He says. Live by faith, more. More. No, more. More still. More. In everything. In everything, give Him dominion, give Him access, give Him right. Stop closing God out of certain areas of your life. Do not turn away from Him anymore. Do not harden your heart to your neighbor anymore.

We are being challenged and some will turn away completely. Don't be that person. For some will close their eyes and say they cannot see. Some will purposely turn and not look at the ways of the Kingdom for it frightens them. But you aren't doing it alone. He's doing it THROUGH you. You are simply the vessel. It's not heavy. His burden is light. He is good. He is not asking you to do something you cannot do. He is asking you to do the very thing you were born to do. He strengthens you. He refreshes you. He empowers you. It's not you.

It's not your own strength. It's not your own heavy burden. No, no. Rebuke that lie. For the truth is He will carry you when you can't walk, He will hold your hand when you can, and when you find the power of His nature surging through your very body, He will run full speed ahead with you! Child of God, He knows your name. He knows how many hairs are on your head and He loves you, very, very, very much. He is with you, not against you. He will never leave or forsake you. He loves you more than you can comprehend. He is the Lion of Judah and Holy Ghost wants to possess you and fill you with this same strong, powerful presence.

He is a Holy God and He wants to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Just let Him have His way in your life. He will purify you. He will burn a powerful light inside of you, removing any branches in your life that do not bear fruit. He is the Author and Perfecter. He is the Alpha and Omega. He's the boss. WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO WRESTLE WITH HIM, OH CHILD? Don't you know that you will lose? Oh, Jacob, rise up, be strong in the Lord, and surrender and submit to Holy Spirit. He will refresh your thirsty soul and redeem your life.

We cannot continue to run away, after our own devices anymore Church. We cannot continue to build this "Church Business," as America likes to do it, anymore. No, no. It's time to flip the Church on its' head and keep it there. The latter-day Church awakening and being revived, so that when her doors swing wide open all across the world for the great Outpouring predestined, we are ready. We are prepared, as healthy and whole as possible, to welcome in the new "in Christ souls" that are so hungry for the things of God. Let's be good hosts. Let's be ready for hospitality.

Let's be great welcomers into the Kingdom of God, as we meet these long-lost children who have met our God. We will see the latter day rain. We will see a move of the Spirit like the world has never seen. Are you getting ready yet? Stop reading this and go get ready. Go put on the Armor, humble yourself, be grateful, choose faith over fear, seek for the Wisdom of God, and most of all love like Jesus. Are you doing it yet? What are you waiting for? The doors to the Kingdom of God will swing open soon for the wayward sons to come home and find their Father who loves them, but it IS up to us, as His body, His hands and feet, to prepare the way for this. We must build HIS house, clean HIS house, furnish His house with the gifts of God. The Church needs healing, reconstruction, deliverance, and power. Let's go!

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